Senior Walk Survey
Please fill out the following survey so we can determine how many seniors would like to go to Weddington for senior walk. Senior Walk Survey
The faculty and staff here at Northwest Cabarrus High School would like to congratulate you on your upcoming graduation! To prepare you for the senior events in the upcoming months, please keep the following in mind…
Are you planning on attending the 2025 NCHS graduation ceremony?
How will you find out about other upcoming senior events?
Do you still owe fees?
And since you are no longer enrolled at NCHS…
Who should you contact if you have questions?
Margaret Gladin – Graduation Coordinator
(704) 260-6720 ext. 45238
Toni Bellon – Student Services
(704) 260-6720 ext. 45170
DeAnna Carpenter – Student Services
(704) 260-6720 ext. 76725
Graduation Practice
Monday, May 19, 2025 @ 3:30pm
Cabarrus County Arena
You need to come dressed in what you plan to wear the graduation. If you have not received your stoles and cords, you will receive tham at practice.
You need to ensure all fees are paid before graduation. We will be checking fees, and you will not be able to participate until all of your fees are paid.
Graduation Ceremony
Thursday, May 22, 2025 @ 7:30 pm
Graduate arrival time - 5:30 pm
Cabarrus Arena and Events Center
*Tickets are not required for NCHS Graduation
Graduation Attire
For students wearing a dress:
School dress code appropriate; color and pattern must not be obscene, fluorescent, or be able to be seen through the gown.
Business Casual—a colored skirt that follows the same criteria above and a solid white dress shirt.
The skirt/dress must not be longer than your gown, not show at the top of your gown, and be no more than 3 inches above the knee
School-appropriate dresses must have straps at least 2 inches across the shoulder. (No strapless gowns)
A white collar attached to the gown is permissible if desired.
Prom/party dresses, evening wear, and sundresses are not appropriate for graduation.
Dark-colored or neutral shoes. Sandals with a heel strap are permitted.
Flip-flops are NOT appropriate for graduation.
High heels are permissible, but remember that you will be doing a lot of walking and climbing up and down stairs.
For students wearing slacks and a shirt:
A plain, white dress shirt with a white collar; polo shirts are NOT appropriate for graduation.
Solid dark or khaki dress slacks (no cargo pockets). Jeans, shorts, and other non-dress pants are not appropriate for graduation.
Solid black, navy, brown, or tan dress shoes
Sneakers, flip-flops, sandals, boots, and other non-dress shoes are not appropriate for graduation.
Boat shoes are permissible if leather and unscuffed.
Socks are required with all shoes. Designs are acceptable if worn under pants and must not be obscene.
All ties are acceptable; however, the visible part (knot and inch below) must be an appropriate solid color. It may not be seen if the tie has a design or pattern on the lower section.
Peace Lilies
Each year, students have the opportunity to purchase a peace lily as a heartfelt tribute to honor or remember a loved one during the graduation ceremony. For $28.00 (plus a $2.00 processing fee), your peace lily will be elegantly displayed on the graduation stage and will be available for pickup after the ceremony. All payments must be made through the K-12 Payment Center. Please use this link to order a lily.
Orders must be submitted by 5/16.
All cap and gown orders must be placed by April 1 by visiting Jostens.
Jostens will be on campus on February 25th from 10:30-1 to deliver those caps and gowns already purchased.
Prom Date: Saturday, April 26th, 2025
Venue: 601 Milestone Venue
Address: 601 Warren C. Coleman Blvd, Concord, NC 28025
Time: 8:00pm to 12:00am *******YOU MUST BE AT PROM/IN THE DOOR BY 9:00PM OR THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY********
Attire: Ladies please, where appropriate attire, this means no excessive cleavage, no slits or dresses that are mid-thigh high and show undergarments or close sight of private areas. Please make sure your body isn't overly exposed. If deemed inappropriate you will not be able to attend prom. Gentlemen must wear formal attire, tuxedo/suit (no jeans) no sagging pants; NO tennis shoes allowed (Dress shoes, Chuck Taylors, Nike Dunks, Cowboy boots are fine).
**In order to attend prom, you must make sure all your school fees have been paid, this includes cafeteria fees as well. **
Only students currently in their junior and senior year can attend prom. However, an underclassman can attend prom as a date, if invited by a junior or senior.
Prom Packets: Will be available to pick up in the front office on Monday, March 17th, 2025. You have to pay your fees first before you can get a packet. Announcements will be made.
Prom Tickets: Will go on sale Tuesday, April 1st, 2025, and close out on Monday, April 21st, 2025, by midnight. You must turn your prom forms/packets in first before you purchase a prom ticket (if paid before approval reimbursements will not be made) The cost per ticket is $75. You will pay for prom tickets on the K12 payment center under prom 2025. Announcements and Reminders will be made.
Be mindful: If you are suspended for drugs or fighting, you will not be able to attend prom.
IF you have questions, please see Mrs. Landers or Mrs. Taylor.
CCS Graduation Prohibited Items
Please leave these items in your vehicle.
noisemakers, whistles, airhorns, bells, etc.
balloons, posters & banners
glass (vases, etc.)
tobacco, cigarettes, vaping paraphernalia, etc.
weapons, guns, knives, etc.
Any items banned from high school property
Graduation Speeches
Each year at graduation, two students are chosen to provide one of two speeches: the welcome speech and the keynote speech. It is an honor and privilege to speak at the graduation ceremony, and we urge you to submit a speech for consideration. Both speeches are due at 2:15pm on April 7th. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED LATE! To learn more about each speech and submit, please click the link below.
Scholarship Ceremony
The senior scholarship ceremony will be held on May 9th beginning promptly at 8am in the main gym. Parents, if you are attending, please go directly to the gym to sign in; do not go to the office. Seniors, you need to come dressed in your cap and gown. If you have been awarded a scholarship, please let us know by completing this form.
Senior Walk
The senior walk will begin immediately following the scholarship ceremony, which will be approximately 9:30. Parents, if you are not attending the scholarship ceremony, you may begin lining up at 9:20 along the roadside (NW Cabarrus Dr.). We realize parking is limited, but we ask that you do NOT park along that road so that parents, families, and students can stand and cheer on our seniors as they walk by on their way to Boger.
Senior Picnic
Seniors will return to school around 9:50, and they will then change clothes and head to the football field for a day of fun and food. Please be on the lookout for information from the PTSO about volunteering time or providing supplies.