A HOSA Chapter officer is in a position of leadership.
It is his/her responsibility to promote and encourage the growth of the local Chapter.
Chapter officers will be meeting many business and professional people and peer groups during the year. They must not forget they are representing HOSA. Appearance and behavior will influence opinions held by others of them as officers, as well as the Chapter as a whole, the Advisor, and the school. The officers must handle themselves in a professional manner, be courteous at all times, be careful of what is said, and how it is said, demonstrate leadership by knowing the topic, being a good listener, and avoiding arguments.
As an officer, the greatest challenge will be to exhibit qualities of leadership that will cause HOSA to grow through the members with whom there is personal contact. By setting goals for self-improvement, members are encouraged to improve themselves. The officer’s responsibility is one of developing and maintaining enthusiasm for HOSA at all times during the year. Enthusiasm is contagious and this will lead to a more successful year.
Any organization designed to be of lasting value to its members must have competent and aggressive leadership. Duly elected officers provide the leadership for the local HOSA Chapter. Every officer should be selected on his or her ability to meet the requirements and perform all the duties of the office to which elected.
Please fill out the following form to let your fellow HOSA members know who you are and why you are running for office.
Suggested Vice-President Duties